4-18-22 Special Board Meeting Minutes
Ida Public Schools
Special Board of Education Meeting
April 18, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m.
HS Media Center In person with
Live Stream View Only Option
The mission of Ida Public Schools is to bring student, staff and community together to maintain our rich traditions. We will provide students with a safe learning environment, an exceptional curriculum, skills to meet the challenges of the future, and the means to become life-long learners.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting.
I. At 5:20 p.m. Mike Mero Jr., President, called the meeting to order.
Roll call members
Present: Matt Darr, Jamie Hunter, Sara King, Sarah Lamber, Mike Mero Jr., Heather Schafer and Ryan Winkelman
Staff Present: Superintendent Sandy Kreps; MLI Search Consultant Tom TenBrink and Secretary Janie Dressel
Other attendees: There were members from the public online.
It was determined a quorum was present. Mr. Mero welcomed the public.
II. Recommended Board Acceptance Items/Consent Agenda
Comment: Background materials for Consent Agenda topics were sent to the Board of Education prior to this meeting. Any Board member can remove any topic from the Consent Agenda and place the item in the Discussion Topics area.
Approved: The resignation, at the end of the school year, due to retirement of, Sandy Kreps, Superintendent.
A motion was made by Jamie Hunter supported by Ryan Winkelman, to accept the Consent agenda as presented.
There was no discussion.
The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.
Discussion Topic(s)
III. Comments from the Public
Persons wishing to address the Ida Board of Education may do so during the ‘Comments from the Public’ agenda section. Please identify yourself and the organization you represent if you would like us to provide a response. Individual presentations may be limited to three minutes, timed by Board Secretary, unless it is the consensus of the Board to permit additional time. Total time allocated for any one topic will be an hour unless the Board determines that additional time is warranted. Specific guidelines for public comment are outlined in Board Policy 0167.3
IV. Board/Superintendent Response
V. Communications to/from Board Members
VI. Policy Committee Report – First Reading
A. Recommended Resolution: Accept the first reading of the following proposed policy: 8510
A motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Sara King supported by Heather Schafer to accept the first reading of the above proposed policy.
There was no discussion.
The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.
VII. Closed Session
Closed Session Requested: Prior to entering into a Closed Session a ROLL CALL VOTE must be taken. The resolution must stipulate the reason for the Closed Session.
Recommended Resolution: The Ida Board of Education will enter into closed session pursuant to section 8(f) of the open meetings act to review applications for employment.
A motion was made by Matt Darr, at 5:21 p.m., supported by Sarah Lambert to enter into closed session pursuant to section 8(f) of the open meeting act to review applications for employment.
The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.
The board members returned from closed session at 9:11 p.m.
VIII. Selection of Candidates
Recommended Resolution: MLI Consultant to contact selected Superintendent candidates for first round of interviews.
A motion was made by Ryan Winkelman supported by Sarah Lambert to have MLI Consultant invite Martin DuBois, David Eack, and Ben Gilpin for the first round of interviews for Superintendent of Ida Public Schools.
There was no discussion.
The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.
IX. Motion to Adjourn
A motion was made by Heather Schafer, at 9:12 p.m., supported by Sarah Lambert, to adjourn the April 18, 2022 special board meeting.
The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Schafer
Board Secretary