April 14, 2022

03-14-22 Board Minutes


Ida Public Schools

Regular Board of Education Meeting

March 14, 2022

In-Person with Live Stream View Only Option



The mission of Ida Public Schools is to bring student, staff and community together to maintain our rich traditions.  We will provide students with a safe learning environment, an exceptional curriculum, skills to meet the challenges of the future, and the means to become life-long learners.



This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting.


I.        At 7:00 p.m. Mike Mero Jr., President called the meeting to order.

Roll call members

Present:  Matt Darr, Jamie Hunter, Sara King, Sarah Lambert, Mike Mero Jr, Heather Schafer and Ryan Winkelman

Staff Present:  Superintendent Sandy Kreps;  Principals Dave Eack and Stacy Maynard; Assistant Principal Lucy Becker; Director of Alternative and Virtual Education Sharon Waldron; Curriculum Director Sarah Ash; Business Manager Chad Baas; Technology Director Ryan Kisonas; Transportation/Facility Coordinator John Elkins; Food Service Director Pam Oberski and Secretary Janie Dressel

Other attendees:  There were members from the public in person and virtual.

It was determined a quorum was present.  Mr. Mero welcomed the public.


II.      Best Practices


III.     Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Sarah Lambert supported by Ryan Winkelman accepting the minutes of the February 14, 2022, Board of Education meeting as presented for adoption.

         There was no discussion.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


IV.     Recommended Board Acceptance Items/Consent Agenda

Comment: Background materials for Consent Agenda topics were sent to the Board of Education prior to this meeting.  Any Board member can remove any topic from the Consent Agenda and place the item in the Discussion Topics area.

Approved:  The Check Register is presented for Board acceptance and authorization for payment.  The total of the computer listing of invoices is $604,123.49.

Approved:  The resignation of Jennifer Liedel, Paraprofessional. 

Approved:  The resignation, at the end of the school year, due to retirement of, Scott Shepherd, Secondary Physical Education Teacher.

Approved:  The hiring of Whitney Rhoades, School Nurse per the recommendation of Interview Committee consisting of Tracey Getzinger, Robin Nowak and Sandy Kreps; pending onboarding process.

Approved:  The recycling of computer and AV equipment at no cost to the district per the request of Ryan Kisonas.

Approved:  The disposal, by selling, of two welders not in use per the request of Dave Morelli.

Approved:  The video and photography package quote of $15,600 from DropDrop for the bond proposal per the request of Sandy Kreps.

Approved:  The resignation of the following coaches per the memo from Tim Leonard.

Jeff Donahoe – Middle School Boys Track

Mike Williams – Middle School Boys Track

A motion was made by Matt Darr supported by Sara King, to accept the Consent Agenda as presented.

There was no discussion.

The roll call vote passed 6 to 0.  Board member Jamie Hunter abstained.


Discussion Topics

VI.     Comments from the Public - None

Persons wishing to address the Ida Board of Education may do so during the ‘Comments from the Public’ agenda section.  Please identify yourself and the organization you represent if you would like us to provide a response.  Individual presentations may be limited to five minutes, timed by Board Secretary, unless it is the consensus of the Board to permit additional time.  Total time allocated for any one topic will be an hour unless the Board determines that additional time is warranted.  Specific guidelines for public comment are outlined in Board Policy 0167.3


VII.    Board/Superintendent Response


VIII.   Communications to/from Board Members


IX.     Bond Application

Recommended Resolution:  Accept the Application for Preliminary Qualification of Bonds and Building and Site Bond Proposal language (Attachment A).

Motion to accept Recommended Resolution by Jamie Hunter supported by Matt Darr to accept the Application for Preliminary Qualification of Bonds and Building and Site Bond Proposal language.

There was no discussion.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


X.       Curriculum Topics

Sarah Ash - M-Step, MI-Access, PSAT 8, 9, 10, SAT and WorkKeys testing setup has begun. Students are now being placed into test sessions and test tickets are being developed. I have been meeting with teachers in all the buildings to develop testing schedules to accommodate all students and to create the best testing atmosphere possible. Testing begins April 13th.  Some of our 8th graders participated in the NAEP test in February. We will not receive individual or student scores as the results are anonymous and combined with all students in the state of Michigan for an overall state score. However, later this summer we will see how Michigan compares to the rest of the country in reading and math. We had our last district wide professional development day on February 21st. Teachers completed their professional learning on-line through EduPaths or SafeSchools Modules. SCECH hours have been submitted to the state for those who completed the training.  We have several staff members attending the MACUL Technology Conference in Grand Rapids later this week. This conference highlights technology resources and content that helps support teaching and learning.  Planning for professional development for the 2022-2023 school year has begun by reviewing survey responses that were gathered this year and meeting with the District Wide Professional Development Advisory Committee to gather input.  I have been applying for numerous grants that range from anti-bullying, the Michigan State Police school safety grant, and a STEM grant.  Our next Curriculum Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 24th, at 8:15.a.m.

Summer Program

Recommended Resolution:  Authorize the administration to offer a summer program for students in grades K-8 that need additional support.  The summer program will be in operation tentatively to begin June 2022 through approximately August each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Transportation may be provided.  State of Michigan At-Risk and ESSER II summer school funds will be used to fund the program.

A motion to approve Recommended Resolution accepted by      Heather Schafer supported by Ryan Winkelman to authorize the administration to offer a summer program.

There was no discussion.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


XI.     Business Operations/Recent Legislation

A.  Financial Legislative Update

B.  Resolution of the Board of Education of Ida Public Schools Authorizing Negotiation and Implementation of Contracts

WHEREAS, The Board desires to make an appointment authorizing negotiation and implementation of contracts between the District and various groups of employees represented by exclusive bargaining representatives,


1.  The Board authorizes the Superintendent to negotiate and implement contracts, on behalf of the District, with employees represented by exclusive bargaining representatives.

2.  The Superintendent shall have full authority to negotiate and to reach tentative agreements.

3.  The Board reserves the authority to ratify any tentative agreements that may be reached between the exclusive bargaining representatives of employee groups and the Superintendent pursuant to the negotiations authorized by this resolution.                  

Motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Matt Darr supported by Jamie Hunter.

There was no discussion.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


C.  School of Choice – 105 Opt-Out

Recommended Resolution:  Adopt the Section 105 Opt-Out Resolution relative to the participation of the Ida Public School District in the State of Michigan’s Schools of Choice Program for the 2022-2023 school year.  The official text of this resolution is contained in Attachment B of this evening’s agenda. A copy of the official resolution will be transmitted to the Monroe County Intermediate School District.

Motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Ryan Winkelman supported by Heather Schafer. 

There was no discussion.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


D.  School of Choice – 105c Opt-In

Recommended Resolution:  Adopt the Section 105c Opt-In Resolution relative to the participation of the Ida Public School District in the State of Michigan’s Schools of Choice Program for the 2022-2023 school year.  The official text of this resolution is contained in Attachment C of this evening’s agenda.  A copy of the official resolution will be transmitted to the Monroe County Intermediate School District.

Motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Sarah Lambert supported by Ryan Winkelman.

There was no discussion.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


XII.    Personnel

A.  Vacancies/Postings

Elementary Teacher

Art Teacher (2022-2023 School Year)

Secondary Physical Education Teacher (2022-2023 School Year)

School Nurse

Summer School (Lead Teacher) – pending board approval of Summer Program

High School Special Education (2022-2023 School Year)


XIII.   Maintenance/Transportation Topics

A.  Summer Projects


Informational Topics

XIV.   Athletics/Extra Curricular Activities

A.  Director’s report - None                                                        


XV.    Next Meeting Dates

A.  Recommended Topics for the Committee of the Whole Meeting on April 11, 2022:

1.  Curriculum and Instruction for 2022-2023

2.  Staffing for 2022-2023

3.  Contracts

4.  Explorica

5.  Bond update

B.  Recommended Topics for the Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting on April 11, 2022:

1.  Regular Business Meeting

2.  Annual Probationary/Tenure Recommendations

3.  Fiscal Year 2022 Preliminary Staffing

C.  Recommended Topics for the Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting on May 9, 2022:

1.  Regular Business Meeting

2.  Summer Maintenance Project Bids

3.  Monroe County ISD Budget Approval


XVI.   Forthcoming Activities

A.  Activities

  Date   Activity   Comment
  Mon, Mar 14   Regular Board of Education Meeting   7:00 p.m.
  Fri, Mar 25   End of 3rd Marking Period  
  Mon, April 4 thru Fri, April 8   Spring Break  
  Mon, April 11   Committee of the Whole   5:00 p.m.
  Mon, April 11   Regular Board of Education Meeting   7:00 p.m.
  Wed, April 13   Testing   See District Calendar
  Thur, April 14   Testing   See District Calendar
  Fri, April 15   No School   Good Friday
  Mon, April 18   No School    Day after Easter
  Mon, April 18   Special Board Meeting   5:00 p.m.
  Mon, April 25   Special Board Meeting   6:00 p.m.
  Tues, April 26   Special Board Meeting   5:30 p.m.


B.  ‘Go-Around’


XVII.  Comments from the Public - None

Persons wishing to address the Ida Board of Education may do so during the ‘Comments from the Public’ agenda section.  Please identify yourself and the organization you represent if you would like us to provide a response.  Individual presentations may be limited to five minutes, timed by Board Secretary, unless it is the consensus of the Board to permit additional time.  Total time allocated for any one topic will be an hour unless the Board determines that additional time is warranted.  Specific guidelines for public comment are outlined in Board Policy 0167.3


XVIII. Board/Superintendent Response


XIX.   Motion to Adjourn

A motion was made by Heather Schafer, at 7:40 p.m., supported by Sarah Lambert, to adjourn the March 14, 2022 board meeting.

There was no discussion.

The roll call vote passed to 7 to 0.


                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Heather Schafer

                                           Board Secretary