June 29, 2021

6-7-21 Board Minutes


Ida Public Schools

Regular Board of Education Meeting

June 7, 2021


In person HS Cafeteria & Virtual via Zoom



The mission of Ida Public Schools is to bring student, staff and community together to maintain our rich traditions.  We will provide students with a safe learning environment, an exceptional curriculum, skills to meet the challenges of the future, and the means to become life-long learners.



This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting.

I.        At 7:00 p.m. Mike Mero Jr, President, called the meeting to order.

Roll call of board members

Present:  Lauren Calkins, Matt Darr, Jamie Hunter, Sarah Lambert, Mike Mero Jr, Heather Schafer and Ryan Winkelman

Staff present:  Superintendent Sandy Kreps; Principals Chuck Fuller, David Eack and Bert Wagner; Curriculum Director Sarah Ash; Business Manager Chad Baas, Athletic Director Tim Leonard; Technology Director Ryan Kisonas; Food Service Director Pam Oberski; Transportation Director John Elkins; Bookkeeper Dawn Nieuwkoop and Secretary Janie Dressel.

         It was determined a quorum was present.  Mr. Mero welcomed the public.


II.      Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Heather Schafer supported by Jamie Hunter accepting the minutes of the May 10, 2021, Regular Board of Education meeting was presented for adoption.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


III.     Approval of Special Board Minutes

A motion was made by Ryan Winkelman supported by Sarah Lambert accepting the minutes of the May 17, 2021 and May 26, 2021, Special Board of Education meetings were presented for adoption.

         The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


IV.     Approval of Committee of the Whole Minutes

A motion was made by Heather Schafer supported by Matt Darr accepting the minutes of the May 26, 2021 and June 3, 2021, Committee of the Whole meetings were presented for adoption.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


V.       Recommended Board Acceptance Items/Consent Agenda

Comment: Background materials for Consent Agenda topics were sent to the Board of Education prior to this meeting.  Any Board member can remove any topic from the Consent Agenda and place the item in the Discussion Topics area.

Approved:  The Check Register is presented for Board acceptance and authorization for payment.  The total of the computer listing of invoices is $695,157.14.

Approved:  The resignation of Cayce Kidwell, Elementary Assistant.

Approved:  The FMLA request of Leslie Chovan.

A motion was made by Jamie Hunter supported by Matt Darr, to accept the Consent Agenda as presented.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.



Discussion Topics

VI.     Comments from the Public

Persons wishing to address the Ida Board of Education may do so during the ‘Comments from the Public’ agenda section.  Please identify yourself and the organization you represent if you would like us to provide a response.  Individual presentations may be limited to five minutes, timed by Board Secretary, unless it is the consensus of the Board to permit additional time.  Total time allocated for any one topic will be an hour unless the Board determines that additional time is warranted.  Specific guidelines for public comment are outlined in Board Policy 0167.3


VII.    Board/Superintendent Response


VIII.   Communications to/from Board Members


IX.      Curriculum Topics

Sarah Ash - All state required testing is complete. We have some preliminary scores but are still waiting for the extended response questions to be scored this summer to get final scores.  The test verification and not tested window will be opening soon and I will submit reasons why a student may not have tested. Including virtual academy students, we had approximately 93% of our students complete their assigned tests.  NWEA and STAR Reading assessments are complete for our Kindergarten through 8th grade students. This data will also be reported to the state as required by state law for this school year.  I am gathering curriculum material requests and will be purchasing replacement textbooks as needed for the upcoming school year.  I am working with our District Wide Professional Development Advisory Committee to start planning professional development for the 2021-2022 school year.  Our kindergarten-8th grade summer school program will begin on June 22nd and run through August 12th. It will be three hours per day for three days per week with middle school also having a virtual option.  Now is the time for state and federal applications such as the Title 1 Application, Title 11a, Title IV, At Risk, and Consolidated Application - these are a few of the reports that I will completing in the next few weeks that are required by the state and federal government to show how we have used the money in the past year for various programs and what we intend to use it for in the upcoming year.  Our last Curriculum Council meeting was on Thursday, May 20th. We reviewed building curriculum needs and requests, technology, professional learning ideas and continuous improvement requirements for the 2021-2022 school year. Meeting minutes can be found on the district website.


X.      Business Operations/Recent Legislation

Business Manager’s Report

Enrollment Projections for 2021-2022

Monroe County Tax Equalization Report

Recommended Resolution:  The administration recommends the acceptance of the Monroe County Tax Equalization Department’s summary statements concerning the school district’s Non-Homestead Valuation figures and the school district’s Commercial Personal Property figures for Fiscal Year 2021 as follows:


  N-H Taxable Valuation (18 mills)   % of District Valuation
  Bedford   $497,784


  Dundee   $2,970,596


  Ida   $23,968,927



  $1,765,006   5%
  Monroe   $1,155,809


  Raisinville   $10,080,995








This represents an increase in our Non-Homestead Valuation of $979,740 from Fiscal Year 2020.



  N-H Taxable Valuation (6 mills)   % of District Valuation
  Bedford   $0


  Dundee   $36,115


  Ida   $857,400



  $0   0%
  Monroe   $750


  Raisinville   $476,682








Recommended Resolution:  Accept the Monroe County Tax Equalization Department’s summary statements.

A motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Jamie Hunter supported by Matt Darr to accept the Monroe County Tax Equalization Department’s summary statements.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


XI.      Personnel

A.  Vacancies/Postings

      a.  Independent Facilitators – Elementary

      b.  Summer Food Service Workers

      c.  Elementary Counselor

      d.  Assistant Technology Technician

      e.  Elementary Teacher

      f.  Summer School Teachers & Assistants

      g.  High School English Teacher


XII.    Food Service

A.  Recommended Resolution:  Accept the request for an Elementary freezer addition/expansion.  Expansion of 6 ft to existing small walk in freezer for a total of $29,600.00, per recommendation from Pam Oberski June 2, 2021.

A motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Lauren Calkins supported by Sarah Lambert to accept the quote from Strause Refrigeration Inc for a total of $29,600.00.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0. 


XIII.   Maintenance/Transportation Topics

Summer Projects

Recommended Resolution:  Accept the quote from Reeves Inc to install a new waterline from the buildings water main back to the cafeteria for a total of $24,150.00, per recommendation from John Elkins memo dated May 10, 2021.

A motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Heather Schafer supported by Ryan Winkelman to accept the quote from Reeves Inc for a total of $24,150.00.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.

Recommended Resolution:  Accept the quote from Midwest Transit to purchase a used 2020 lift bus for a total of $83,164.00, per recommendation from John Elkins memo dated May 24, 2021.

A motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Matt Darr supported by Sarah Lambert to accept the quote from Midwest Transit for a total of $83,164.00.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


XV.    Technology Topics

Recommended Resolution:  Approve the purchase of 15 BenQ Interactive Flat Panel Monitors (SMART Boards) from Data Image Systems for a total price of $32,250 per the recommendation from Ryan Kisonas dated May 17, 2021.

A motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Jamie Hunter supported by Heather Schafer to accept the quote from Data Image Systems for a total of $32,250.00.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


XVI.   Athletics/Extra Curricular Activities

Director’s report


XVII.  District COVID-19 update

Extended COVID–19 Learning Plan

a.  District Report

Recommended Resolution:  Approve the re-certification of the COVID-19 Learning Plan.

A motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Jamie Hunter supported by Lauren Calkins to approve the re-certification of the COVID-19 Learning Plan.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.

2021-2022 School Year

Recommended Resolution:  For the 2021-2022 school year; a Traditional Learning Plan that includes local control.

A motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Ryan Winkelman supported by Heather Schafer for the 2021-2022 school year; a Traditional Learning Plan that includes local control.


The roll call vote passed 6 to 1.

2021-2022 Learning Plan

Recommended Resolution:  Traditional for all student, 5 days a week and the full offering of extracurricular activities.  A virtual option will also be available.  Choice will also be offered in as many areas as possible.

A motion to approve Recommended Resolution by Heather Schafer supported by Jamie Hunter.

The roll call vote passed 6 to 1.


XVII.  Next Meeting Dates

A.  Recommended Topics for the Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting on

     Monday, June 21, 2021.

     1.  Regular Business Meeting

               2.  Truth in Taxation Hearing

               3.  Fiscal Year 2022 Uniform Preliminary Budget Adoption

               4.  First Reading of Fiscal Year 2022 Student Handbooks

               5.  End of Year Building Reports


XIX.   Forthcoming Activities/ ‘Go Around’

A.  Activities

  Date   Activity


  June 7 - June 11   Exam Week


 Mon, June 7   Regular Board of Education Meeting

  7:00 p.m.

  Sunday, June 13   Commencement Exercises


  Mon, June 21

  Regular Board of Education/Uniform Budget/

  End of Fiscal Year Meeting

  7:00 p.m.


B.  'Go-Around'


XX.    Comments from the Public

Persons wishing to address the Ida Board of Education may do so during the ‘Comments from the Public’ agenda section.  Please identify yourself and the organization you represent if you would like us to provide a response.  Individual presentations may be limited to five minutes, timed by Board Secretary, unless it is the consensus of the Board to permit additional time.  Total time allocated for any one topic will be an hour unless the Board determines that additional time is warranted.  Specific guidelines for public comment are outlined in Board Policy 0167.3


XXII.   Closed Session (began at 8:20 p.m. after a brief break)

Closed Session Requested:  Prior to entering into a Closed Session a ROLL CALL VOTE must be taken. The resolution must stipulate the reason for the Closed Session.

Recommended Resolution:  The Ida Board of Education will enter into closed session pursuant to section 8(c) of the open meetings act to discuss contract negotiations.

A motion was made by Heather Schafer, at 8:13 p.m., supported by Sarah Lambert to enter into closed session pursuant to section 8(c) of the open meetings act to discuss contract negotiations.

The motion passed 7 to 0.

The board members returned from closed session at 9:05 p.m.


XXIII. Return to Open Session

Mike Mero, Jr called for the open session of the board meeting to resume at 9:08 p.m.


XXIV. A motion was made by Heather Schafer, at 9:09 p.m., supported by Sarah Lambert,

to adjourn the June 7, 2021 board meeting.

The roll call vote passed 7 to 0.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                Heather Schafer

                                                Board Secretary