Band Boosters
Welcome to the Ida Band Boosters Website. The Ida Band Boosters are a group of parents and community members that are interested in supporting our band program. The group meets monthly (with the exception of summer months and some of the busier calendar months) in the Ida High School Media Center.
Activities of the band boosters include:
- Planning and implementation of fund-raisers to support the band and it's members (including running concessions at Ida football games and Christmas in Ida)
- Planning and implementation of band trips (traditionally held Spring Break every other year)
- Providing chaperones for band outings
If you are viewing this page, you are already a band booster! Please consider joining us at our next meeting to find out more...
President- Lisa Zitek
Vice President (concessions and fundraising) - Amy Strimpel
Treasurer - Jodi Siffer
Secretary/Chaperones- Laura Wyrabkiewicz
Kroger Community Rewards Sign-up Instructions (New User) - Follow the instructions on the attached pdf to begin earning credit for student accounts through Kroger.